Saturday, October 23, 2010

Considerate: Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 the beginning of experience

In mid-April, Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 (hereinafter referred to as beta 3) release. Although the functions do not have much progress, but still fine-tuning to do a lot of changes to become more useful new features. Here I take a look on the following, Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 to our pleasant surprise.

1, little change in the interface

First install Foxmail 6.0 beta 3, then start. From the start the interface point of view and the previous version does not change, only the version number into the beta2 beta3 (Figure 1). The main interface change is not great, and the previous version is almost no difference, but in some nuances have changed very little.

Figure 1 Foxmail 6 Beta 3 of the start interface

After some time I try, beta 3 performance in very stable, not been any problems. In the beta 2 version is not out of the bug can not be shut down have also been resolved.

In beta 1 the RSS reading functionality to add, in the beta 3 has been further improved. Personal use, and found the original information of the time to read RSS shortened from the original ten seconds reduced to only a few seconds, shortening the time to read the information to a third of the original. And author of Intelligent ABC input method previously used, and then run Foxmail, the main interface will appear flashing situation. Mailing list in the switching time, is also prone to flash the main interface. In the latest beta 3 version which was finally resolved this issue, no matter what the situation will not be the main interface Foxmail flashing on the other.

Second, build email address book automatically

In previous versions Foxmail among others the letter issued after the complete e-mail address is not automatically added to the address book are in need can be added manually. Other e-mail management software, such as DreamMail, e-mail address is automatically added to support the function. Fortunately enough the latest Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 which, I found that sending messages to others, the other's e-mail address is automatically added to the address book. Although you can add directly to the e-mail address, but only automatically adds email addresses, names need to be added manually before they can (Figure 2), so this feature appears to some tasteless. If we are to automatically add e-mail address at the time, also add the recipient's name the better.

Figure 2 automatically add the address also need to add the name

Third, the mailing list to allow return to the traditional style

Foxmail from 6.0 introduced a new mailing list style, so that messages can be grouped. Function is similar to Gmail messages automatically grouping. View the message can bring a lot of convenience. But not everyone likes. In previous versions of the list can not be restored to the traditional style, beta 3 to allow the mailing list to return to the traditional way. Through the menu "View" => "Show in Groups" option is canceled (Figure 3), so that the mailing list to restore the traditional style (Figure 4).

Figure 3 The new group mailing list

Figure 4 traditional mailing list

4, adjusted in order to support e-mail folder

New messages in the folder can Foxmail, will be charged to the letters of different people into different e-mail folder automatically. But e-mail folder is set up, can not change the location. In beta 3 in this case has changed. Can use the mouse to drag and drop e-mail folder, easily change their position, but not delete the re-established. In fact, this feature is very simple, do not know why-teng Xun the company achieved in this version only if the previous version have this feature, then I would not have so much trouble.

5, support for exporting, importing anti-spam black / white lists and Bayesian Popescu

Increased black / white lists and Bayesian Popescu is the biggest bright spot Foxmail 6.0. With it, you need not worry about spam. A previous version of the greatest shortcoming, it is unable to import the bulk black / white lists and Bayesian Popescu, can automatically be updated. This is not very user friendly.

beta 3 to change this situation, you can find the latest Bayeux Popescu online listings and their own definitions of black / white list into Foxmail in. Can also click on the "Export" button to the existing black / white lists and Bayesian Popescu back up or share with them their own Bayeux Popescu.

Figure 5 Bayesian filtering the relevant settings

6, write e-mail address auto-completion feature enhanced

Used IE's friends all know that when typing the URL in the address bar, IE will automatically display and type characters to match the address, this is IE's "auto complete" feature. Beta 3 also increased in a similar function. When you enter e-mail address, just enter a letter before the message will automatically add the e-mail the next section (Figure 6) to facilitate input-mail address.

Figure 6 Enter e-mail address auto-completion time

But do a little less than that if you want to write the address did not want people to know, Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 This new feature will disclose his secret, and can not be deleted, unless we can re-install Foxmail. This new feature seems to have convenient side and inconvenient side, If we are able to choose whether to auto-completion on the mailing list like a, so that it can effectively protect our privacy.

7, in the scrap box to delete messages, delete messages from the server at the same time

When we set up accounts, they usually choose to accept messages from the server and remain on the server, this way both in Foxmail in any operation, the server will not be changed. But the message we received when Foxmail receive some junk mail, usually is to delete these spam messages. But by the above settings, just delete Foxmail, and not on the server to delete. In Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 can be by setting, in the scrap box to delete messages at the same time from the server to delete the corresponding message.

In Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 settings, select General, then in the following "in the scrap box to delete messages from the server at the same time remove the corresponding message" stamped in front of a pigeon (Figure 11), so remove the scrap pieces of boxes in which the message When the mail server to delete the same time. But I recommend you this feature to be used with caution, because once deleted can not be restored.


On the whole Foxmail 6.0 beta 3 at the interface is not much change in functionality is also no major changes. But there are many nuances have been changed, from this point of view to work out the strict attitude of Tencent. All this is only beta version of it, I believe the official version in Foxmail 6.0 will have more improvements, more complete, more powerful. Here I hope Foxmail farther good, get more people to love.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Servlet Programming with Servlet Display Pictures

Servlet servlet used to do programming in a tracking image click technology, this module large one, here to talk about with the Servlet display picture part. First talk show with a picture of a process Servlet:

1. Servlet programming in response to set the output type:

The corresponding statement - response. SetContentType ("image / gif; charset = GB2312"),

銆??response 渚胯兘杈撳嚭gif鍥剧墖锛?amp;quot;image/gif;charset=GB2312"渚挎槸杈撳嚭绫诲瀷锛屽綋鐒朵綘鍙互杈撳嚭 "image/jpg;charset=GB2312"绫诲瀷鏂囦欢銆?br />
銆??2. 瀹炵幇Servlet鏄剧ず鍥剧墖涔嬪緱鍒版枃浠舵祦锛?br />
銆??servlet鏄互娴佺殑褰㈠紡浠跺浘鐗囨枃浠朵粠鏈嶅姟鍣ㄨ鍑猴紝閫氳繃response灏嗘祦鍙戝埌娴忚鍣ㄧ殑銆?br />
銆??3. 瀹炵幇Servlet鏄剧ず鍥剧墖涔嬪緱鍒拌緭鍑烘祦锛?br />
銆??瀵瑰簲鐨勮鍙?-OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream(); 褰撶劧锛屽鐞嗗浘鐗囨枃浠堕渶瑕佷互浜岃繘鍒跺舰寮忕殑娴併?

銆??4. 瀹炵幇Servlet鏄剧ず鍥剧墖涔嬫枃浠舵祦鐨勭紪鐮?浣嗕篃涓嶄竴瀹氬繀椤荤紪鐮佺殑锛屽鏋滀笉鏄枃浠舵祦锛屽垯蹇呴』缂栫爜) 鎵?互鎴戠粰澶у涓?釜鐢ㄧ紪鐮佺殑浠g爜鍜屼笉鐢ㄧ紪鐮佺殑浠g爜.

銆??椤轰究璇翠竴鍙ワ紝sun鍏徃浠呮彁渚涗簡jpg鍥剧墖鏂囦欢鐨勭紪鐮乤pi銆?br />
銆??鎴戞兂鍩烘湰娴佺▼閮借瀹屼簡锛屼笅闈㈡垜鎶婁唬鐮佹嬁缁欏ぇ瀹剁湅涓?笅锛屽ぇ瀹惰嚜鐒朵竴鐩簡鐒朵簡锛?br />
銆??package xjw.personal.servet; import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;


銆??import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class ShowPicture extends HttpServlet{ private static final String GIF="image/gif;charset=GB2312";


銆??private static final String JPG="image/jpeg;charset=GB2312"; public void init() throws ServletException { } public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { doPost(request, response); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { String spec=request.getParameter("spec"); //杈撳嚭鍥剧墖鐨勭被鍨嬬殑鏍囧織 int int_spec=Integer.parseInt(spec); if(spec==1) { String imagePath="/jfgg/b1.jpg"; //鍥剧墖鐩稿web搴旂敤鐨勪綅缃?} else { String imagePath="/jfgg/b2.gif";

銆??鍥剧墖鐩稿web搴旂敤鐨勪綅缃?br />
銆??} OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();//寰楀埌杈撳嚭娴?if(imagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg"))//浣跨敤缂栫爜澶勭悊鏂囦欢娴佺殑鎯呭喌锛?{ response.setContentType(JPG);//璁惧畾杈撳嚭鐨勭被鍨?//寰楀埌鍥剧墖鐨勭湡瀹炶矾寰?imagePath = getServletContext().getRealPath(imagePath);


銆??InputStream imageIn = new FileInputStream(new File(imagePath)); //寰楀埌杈撳叆鐨勭紪鐮佸櫒锛屽皢鏂囦欢娴佽繘琛宩pg鏍煎紡缂栫爜 JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(imageIn); //寰楀埌缂栫爜鍚庣殑鍥剧墖瀵硅薄 BufferedImage image = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage(); //寰楀埌杈撳嚭鐨勭紪鐮佸櫒 JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(output); encoder.encode(image);//瀵瑰浘鐗囪繘琛岃緭鍑虹紪鐮?imageIn.close();//鍏抽棴鏂囦欢娴?} if(imagePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif"))//涓嶄娇鐢ㄧ紪鐮佸鐞嗘枃浠舵祦鐨勬儏鍐碉細 { response.setContentType(GIF); ServletContext context = getServletContext();//寰楀埌鑳屾櫙瀵硅薄 InputStream imageIn=context.getResourceAsStream(imagePath);//鏂囦欢娴?BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream(imageIn);//杈撳叆缂撳啿娴?BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(output);//杈撳嚭缂撳啿娴?byte data[]=new byte[4096];//缂撳啿瀛楄妭鏁?int size=0;; while (size!=-1) { bos.write(data,0,size);; } bis.close(); bos.flush();//娓呯┖杈撳嚭缂撳啿娴?bos.close(); } output.close(); } }

銆??鏈?悗鏄浣曡皟鐢紝浣犲彲浠ョ畝鍗曠殑鏄犲皠涓?笅servelt锛屾垜灏卞皢servet鐨勫悕鏄犲皠涓篠howPic, 浜庢槸涓嬩唬鐮佽皟鐢?br />
銆??锕tml锕ャ? 銆?工body锕ャ? 銆?工img src="ShowPic?spec=2"锕ワ工/a锕?锕?body锕?锕?html锕?br />


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Monday, October 11, 2010

Toyota Authorized Dealer

Customer background

The new company is under huge Guangzhou Toyota's authorized dealers, the main business of selling auto parts, auto parts, auto repair three main business is the Toyota strategy in southern China-based service providers.

Customer demand

Operating for many years in the automotive industry recognize the new huge company behind the management system has been unable to adapt to the development of the Internet era demands the automotive industry, automobile enterprises to survive and in today's competitive environment has been a fundamental change. To gain a competitive advantage, has not unilaterally improve the management of enterprises, price competition, preferential policies, etc., etc., but focuses on the overall industry competitiveness upgrading, especially enterprise business intelligence on the whole enhancement of competitiveness. So a huge company to develop new means to integrate the use of e-commerce within their own enterprises, external management in automobile trade, automotive, auto parts in various business areas to implement e-commerce strategy for the integrated management approach.


China a huge digital and new access through the many do, to develop a huge company to meet the new demand and rapid development requirements of the current solution to that vehicle of God + b2b e-commerce system, the system mainly by the b2b e-commerce front-end system + b2b e-commerce background distribution network business platform system + form, background information management system based on the definition, business, accounting, personnel, query, aei business systems pose. aei b2b business prospects of e-commerce platform to provide the supply and demand sides to send and receive documents for the auto parts business formed a complete business management program.

Implementation Effect
At present, China Digital was a huge Guangzhou Honda's car design and development of God + b2b e-commerce system has passed a comprehensive inspection, has entered the operational stage and formal. Directly in the new huge company online auto parts, automobile, maintenance orders and other business services, e-commerce systems to reduce the company's costs and accelerate the repayment of loan Kuaisu, shorten sales cycles and lower marketing costs, the enterprise of over- profits.

"The most I was surprised that China's implementation of the digital capacity of" huge Guangzhou Toyota computer manager said, "At first we Chinese still some doubts about the timetable for digital, digital real-time China did not expect such a wealth of implementation experience, in fixed up a less than a month. "

Guangzhou Toyota's huge purchasing manager said, "China Digital rte e-commerce platform, significantly reduced our inventory really a huge help to the new Guangzhou Toyota."

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